Motivation Monday

My Week
I biked to the end of our street on Friday the 30th. I didn't think I could do it, and I wanted to quit 1/4 of the way there... but I just kept going and breathing {hard}. I made it to the end of the street and back. That's about 1.5 miles. I didn't realize our house was up a slant until I was biking back... It's a very slight incline, but enough to make my legs burn! I felt good that I had done it, but I didn't have that endorphin "runner's high". I think I might need medication after all. I should have felt something with a work out that hard but nope... nothing. I'm giving my body until the end of August to see if it is the birth control before I seek medication for my depression.My Progress
Like I thought... all red this week. I am not liking this red thing... Hopefully I can do better next week.
My Numbers {From Last Saturday's Weigh In}
{Green is Improvement, Red is Bad, Mmkay?, Blue is Stayed the Same}
Weight - 216.8{Green is Improvement, Red is Bad, Mmkay?, Blue is Stayed the Same}
BMI % - 51.2
Water % - 36.6
Muscle Mass % - 33.5
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