Sunday, October 31, 2010

Motivation Monday, October 31

Motivation Monday

Welcome to Motivation Monday! I will be chronicling my journey back to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Each week I will discuss how the previous week was and set some goals for the next week. I will also be listing my progress. If you would like to see past progress you can click on the Motivation Monday photo above for other Motivation Monday posts. If you would like to get motivated with me please link up your post using the link form below. Your post can be in any format you want. Whether you are trying to get healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or if you just have a task you need some motivation to complete...please link up so we can help support each other. I would love to hear about your progress and help keep you motivated!

Healthy Steps
This week I continued to add more foods back in my diet and am doing well so I guess I'm completely better.  I also tried out that parent's gym room.  It was okay.  It is definitely easier to use it when I'm the only one there.  LB didn't like having to stay in the pack n play but with the bigger kids there I couldn't be sure he wouldn't find a small toy and chew on it.  I used the incumbent bike (I think that's what its called) for about 40 minutes and burned 90 calories.  My heart was a bit sore and I was dizzy afterward, but I think my body is getting used to working out again.  I also tried some yoga and meditation this week.  It helped a lot.

Changes I've Seen

My jeans are fitting better.  Even after losing 8lbs, I only gained 2lbs back so that is a total of 5lb loss.  Pretty good I'd say.  Despite all the red down there, when I look at the week before I got sick and this week, I still did better in all categories so I'm happy with it.

My Numbers {From Last Saturday's Weigh In}
{Green is Improvement, Red is Bad, Mmkay?, Blue is Stayed the Same}

Weight - 220.3
BMI % - 52.5
Water % - 35.7
Muscle Mass % - 33.3

How did you do this week?
Link up below! If you'd like to have the blog hop linky on your post like mine, just press "Get the Code Here" and copy/paste it into your post.
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