Monday, October 25, 2010

Stylish and Versatile

Lise at The Baby Bottom Line thinks I am Stylish and Versatile!  Thank you so much Lise!  I am honored.
I also received the Versatile blog award from Jessica at Punk Rock Momma!

I truly am honored and humbled by the response this page has gotten.  I figured it would turn some heads with the nearly nude update photos.  I also guessed that participating in the follow me memes would get me some viewers...  but what I didn't expect was that after I stopped entering those memes, I gained more followers on this blog than on my original blog!  I have been so overwhelmed and blessed by the love and support from you, my readers.  I would like to offer both of these awards to the following blogs who really support me day in and day out.  Thank you ladies for your kind words and encouragement to keep keepin' on. {There are several more of you but I don't know your blog sites... or perhaps you don't have one.  Either way, you are awesome too!}

As a thank you and because I really desperately need to do something for the sake of loving what I do... I am going to begin some changes with this blog.  I am going to really dive in deep, research healthy living, give those things a try and then tell you what I've learned.  I want to be able to put what I think and feel into something just for you.  Since I am not a scientist actually conducting research, nothing I say here will ever be completely original, but I think it is important to take all the scientific information out there, compile it and offer it to you, my reader in a way that really effects your life.  That will be my goal from now on.  To bring you information you can really use and apply to your lives.  I hope you enjoy what I have in store for you.

And here is my 7 facts for the Versatile Blog Award:
  1. I have the best husband in the world!  No really.  He is supportive of anything I want to do so long as its healthy for me.  He listens and cuddles when I need it.  He takes care of LB on the weekends so I can get more sleep.  And best of all?  He loves me for me!
  2. I may beat myself up about my appearance sometimes... but our son is proof enough that I am an attractive woman.  He is one cute baby!  (Despite the bad photo resolution.) Don't you agree?
  3. Y'all may not know, but I have had two run ins with cancer and come out on top both times.  I had a mole below my belly button that was pre-cancerous but removed in time before it infected my stomach.  I also had a very fast growing tumor on my left ovary that turned out to be benign.  They weren't sure how much longer it would have been benign though since it grew from a cyst to a tumor the size of a softball in only 4 months.  So far, I am cancer free... by the grace of God alone.
  4. I have been wanting to do boudoir photos for a year now and I think I will actually hire someone to do them in a couple months.  She offers a 4x4 photo book with the price of her session (which is less that $500!).  It's the perfect size for DH to take with him on his deployment.
  5. I bake goodies for DH to take to work for four reasons... not all unselfish either.  1)Because baking sweets makes me feel good. 2) So we only have 3 or 4 here at home to eat and I don't go overboard eating sweets all the time. 3) We have three pets so I love how it makes the house smell good over the ever present pet dander smell.  4) To sweeten up my husband's superiors so he has less stressed days at work.
  6. I have an addiction to Pepsi I think... after not having it for almost a year, I really don't like the taste and it always makes my breasts hurt... but I still started drinking it again!  What is up with that?  I have 2 left and then I'm not buying anymore though.  I only bought some because we were supposed to be having DH's coworkers to dinner but they didn't show so I had a whole case just sitting around.
  7. If it weren't for blogging I would lose my mind!  Blogging is really the only thing I do right now for the sole reason of liking what I do.  I love taking care of my family, but there are other reasons behind doing it.  You know what I mean?
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