Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Dear Friends

Please keep LB, DH and I in your thoughts this week.  If you are one who prays, please do as well.  We made a trip to the ER last night after I passed out in the bathroom and LB had it coming both ways.  Turns out, we both have the stomach flu.  Right now we are both sipping liquids.  I hope by dinner time he can have a bottle and I some crackers.  Depending on how severe it is (I am hoping what happened last night was the end of the severity) I may or may not be online this week.  I love you all; you are all so dear and sweet.  I'll be back soon I hope.

UPDATE for Wed:  Thank you all for your well wishes.  I am doing a little better.  I've had about 8 crackers, 24 oz of water, 2 oz of gatorade, 1 cup of chicken broth and 3 spoons of applesauce in the last 48 hours.  Needless to say I am weak and tired.  Unfortunately (thought I'd never say this...) LB is all better.  I say unfortunately because he is ready to eat, nap and play like normal and all I can do is muster enough strength to make him a bottle and put him in his play area when he's done eating.  It's been rough, but DH is home now and I can focus on resting.  On a plus side, I have gotten two homework assignments done.  I have no idea if they make any sense because you can imagine my brain isn't too sharp right now, but they are done none the less.  I have four more to do and I'll be all caught up. I had done them incorrectly, but thankfully my professor is allowing me to correct them with a penalty for being late.  Another, kinda plus, is that I have lost 6lbs.  Kinda because a loss is a loss, but let me tell ya... this is NOT how you want to lose weight.  I just hope I don't put 8lbs back on after all this is over.  I can literally feel my body starving and it sucks!  Here's hoping y'all are well this flu and virus season.
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