Sunday, June 26, 2011

Motivation Monday, June 27

Motivation Monday

Welcome to Motivation Monday! I will be chronicling my journey back to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Each week I will discuss how the previous week was and set some goals for the next week. I will also be listing my progress. If you would like to see past progress you can click on the Motivation Monday photo above for other Motivation Monday posts. If you would like to get motivated with me please link up your post using the link form below. Your post can be in any format you want.Whether you are trying to get healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or if you just have a task you need some motivation to complete...please link up so we can help support each other. I would love to hear about your progress and help keep you motivated!

Healthy Steps:
I started Weight Watchers last week and have been doing pretty well.  I went over my daily points last week on several occasions but stayed well within my weekly points.  I even had 15 work out points left at the end of the week.  I plan on adding more work out minutes and working on keeping my daily points to my minimum for 5 out of 7 days.  The weekly points are there so you can have a treat now or then.  For me, a treat is bread.  Points are determined by taking in account fat, carbs, fiber, and protein.  Breads are pretty high points.  I really need to work on my exercise.  We've gotten out of the habit of riding nightly between the smoke and rain this week.  I've been doing unintentional exercise like shopping, unpacking boxes, and carrying the little one around.  It's not a sustained work out so it's not really effective in weight loss, but I have noticed my arm muscles getting leaner.  Now to work on my belly and thighs!

I'm also linking up to Slimmer this Summer hosted by Debbi and Mir.  Join us!

Slimmer This Summer Goals:
  • Track my calories and use proper portion control {Check}
  • Exercise at least 10 minutes per day, preferably more {Almost}
  • Drink at least 6 cups of water per day working my way up to 9 (48 ounces minimum) {Still Working On This One}
My Week's Workouts:
  • June 19 - Nothing. Relaxing and re-hydrating
  • June 20 - Squats, crunches, push ups, dips
  • June 21 - Walking with stroller and dips
  • June 22 - Walking and heavy lifting
  • June 23 - Nothing worth recording
  • June 24 - Nothing worth recording
  • June 25 - Walking with stroller
My Numbers
Green is ImprovementRed is Bad, Mmkay?Blue is Stayed the Same

Weight -220
BMI % -52.6
Water % -35.7
Muscle Mass % -33.8

How did you do this week?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sooo hungry!

Does a woman need to eat more during that time of the month or does this new diet just have me centered on food? It is ALL I can think about!  I can't even think about work or clearing out the garage.  Both of which need to be done asap.  *sigh*  I'm eating as many veggies as I can and drinking water instead of eating when it's not meal time but it just isn't helping. I am still staving!  This is so frustrating.  How long until my body gets used to my new way of eating?  I think I'll check my last three days on FitnessPal to see if there was a big change in my calorie count.  I'm eating almost the same as normal but I feel so so hungry!  It's odd.

Well I checked my numbers: My calorie goal is 1450 and my Weight Watchers points allowance is 34 a day
Monday - 1405 calories, 31 points
Tuesday - 2005 calories, 51 points
Wednesday - 1384 calories, 40 points
Thursday (so far) - 977 calories (without dinner yet), 21 points so far

Except for Tuesday, it looks like I am eating about 500 less calories than I was last week.  No wonder I feel hungry!  Maybe we'll see some results this Saturday! :0)  If not then I'll just keep at it.  From the numbers above it looks like I'm getting about 1300-1400 calories a day with Weight Watchers.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I'm going through some changes right now.  I'm changing the way I eat, the way I exercise, and the way I view myself.  I have finally decided to begin Weight Watchers.  After I got sick and finally got over that 220lbs hump {after a year of trying} I decided it was time to do something new.  Just counting calories wasn't giving me the results I needed.  I've been tracking my food online at WW for three days now and I think it's going well.  It's not easy and I'm hungry, but weight loss is not easy.  "Losing weight is hard; being overweight is hard; choose your hard."  I have chosen.

Because I am now using the Weight Watchers system to change myself, I'll also need to change the blog a bit.  For example, as far as I know, I can't link you to my daily food or exercise since I have to log in to see it. So I'll be changing the tabs at the top of my screen a bit.  WW has some progress reports I could take screen shots of and post weekly.  I haven't quite decided yet what I want to do with the new design.  I still have three clients I'm working with right now too, so it'll be some time before I can begin working on my own blog, but I thought I'd share the news with y'all.  Now I just have to decide when to go to my first in person meeting.  They only have 2 evening and 2 weekend meetings in town and none of the times are very convenient for my family so we'll have to work it into our schedule.  Do any of you use Weight Watchers?  What do you think of the program? I like the points plus system.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Are You Ready?

I am feeling much better.  Whatever that bug was it was a 24 hour one.  I am re-hydrated and have had a full day of normal eating.  It looks as though my body has equaled out.  So you wanna know where I stand after it all?

Are you ready for it?  I have lost a total of 5.4lbs for a final weight of 219.2!  I am UNDER 220lbs!!!  Besides the time last year with my gallbladder and stomach virus when I gained it all back... I am under 220lbs for the first time in 2 years and 4 months!  I am officially below my pre-pregnancy weight.  Woohoo!  You know what this means right?!  TIME TO CELEBRATE!!!

I think I'm calling this a new beginning.  Thanks everyone for you kind comments wishing me well and your encouragement to see this as a blessing, albeit a painful one.  I have also decided to start Weight Watchers TODAY.  I am signing up for the monthly pass so I can do in person meetings and use their online tools.  Plus, the hubby and I are exercising together daily now.  Yesterday we did some squats, crunches, push ups (on the wall), and some dips to work that dreaded arm flab we ladies get.  It just gets worse with age and weight loss.  Doesn't that suck?  Well I'm going to do these daily to keep them fit.
Then we went for a walk around downtown and the park.  Today we are going for a nature walk at the reserve on the outskirts of town.  Maybe we'll even spot a moose!

Motivation Monday, June 20

LB's surgery went well.  Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.  I, on the other hand, got very sick.  This week's loss is artificial.

Motivation Monday

Welcome to Motivation Monday! I will be chronicling my journey back to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Each week I will discuss how the previous week was and set some goals for the next week. I will also be listing my progress. If you would like to see past progress you can click on the Motivation Monday photo above for other Motivation Monday posts. If you would like to get motivated with me please link up your post using the link form below. Your post can be in any format you want.Whether you are trying to get healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or if you just have a task you need some motivation to complete...please link up so we can help support each other. I would love to hear about your progress and help keep you motivated!

Healthy Steps:
I'm sick.  :0(  I've lost 4lbs in one night and am dehydrated.  Although I am glad that I got close to 220lbs, I know it won't last long.  I am feeling a little bit better today.  Hopefully I am 100% tomorrow so I don't have to go to the ER for fluids and not ruin DH's father's day.

I'm also linking up to Slimmer this Summer hosted by Debbi and Mir.  Join us!

Slimmer This Summer Goals:
  • Track my calories and use proper portion control {Not this week}
  • Exercise at least 10 minutes per day, preferably more {Not this week}
  • Drink at least 6 cups of water per day working my way up to 9 (48 ounces minimum) {Not this week}
My Week's Workouts:
Check out all my daily workouts here.

  • June 13 - Heavy lifting, squats, stairs (about 40 mins)
  • June 14 - Nothing worth recording (trying to relax before LB's surgery)
  • June 15 - Toting a toddler through an airport
  • June 16 - Carrying Little Bit around all day
  • June 17 - Walked for 2 hours at the zoo pushing a stroller in gravel
  • June 18 - Nothing at all. Sick all day long.

My Numbers
Green is ImprovementRed is Bad, Mmkay?Blue is Stayed the Same

Weight -220.2
BMI % -52.3
Water % -35.7
Muscle Mass % -32.5

How did you do this week?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

False Hope or New Beginning?

So as you read in my Motivation Monday post, I was really sick yesterday.  I've been checking my weight throughout the night and this morning to make sure I'm not losing too much. I was afraid I'd have to go to the ER and get some fluids.  Thankfully I have stopped being sick and it looks as though my breakfast and lunch are staying right where they ought to be.  I'm still fairly dehydrated, but now that I'm no longer nauseous I can drink water and more than a sipping pace.

As of an hour ago, after having eaten breakfast, I have lost a total of 6.4lbs and am down to 218.4lbs.  You may remember about this time last year I had developed gallbladder stones and could barely eat or drink for two weeks before they removed my gallbladder.  I dropped down to 215 during that time but as soon as I was healed and back to a normal diet, as in more than bread and water, I ballooned back to 5lbs more than I was before it all started.  I also briefly lost 6lbs from a stomach virus last October and then gained back 8lbs after I was re-hydrated.  I can't help but wonder, was this 24 hour bug just another false hope in which I should expect to gain back more than I just lost, or is it a new beginning?  Perhaps this quick stomach sickness has ridden by body of the food I had eaten and given me a chance at a new start.

I'm not sure, but I am definitely going to take advantage of this {very painful} opportunity and put good, wholesome foods in.  I've been doing pretty good at eating clean, whole foods, but I can do better than "pretty good".  I shouldn't be eating something processed every day, maybe just twice a week.  And even then I plan on avoiding anything with fake sugars and fats.  If I'm going to eat a sweet it ought to be as natural as possible.  An all natural, 100 calorie pudding instead of a Pop Tart for example.  You can see all the food and drinks I eat by clicking the "Food" tab at the top of my blog or by going here and clicking through the days of the week.  Some are missing from the time I spent using SparkPeople, but I'll be using FitnessPal from now on.

I guess we'll see what the outcome is by the end of the week.  Last time I had a stomach virus the weight was back on in three days.  I'll still be checking the scale a few times a day over the next couple of days to make sure I'm not losing even more.  All other indicators say that my hydration is doing better though so that's good news.  I hate IVs!  Oh, and I won't be having a "Party" for being until 220 until I know it's going to stay.  Hopefully we can celebrate next week that I've lost another 5lbs!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Motivation Monday, June 13

So so sorry for being late with my post.  DH is out of town and I am trying to get ready to leave town with LB later this week.  He's having his eye surgery on Thursday.

Motivation Monday

Welcome to Motivation Monday! I will be chronicling my journey back to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Each week I will discuss how the previous week was and set some goals for the next week. I will also be listing my progress. If you would like to see past progress you can click on the Motivation Monday photo above for other Motivation Monday posts. If you would like to get motivated with me please link up your post using the link form below. Your post can be in any format you want.Whether you are trying to get healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or if you just have a task you need some motivation to complete...please link up so we can help support each other. I would love to hear about your progress and help keep you motivated!

Healthy Steps:
I've been trying to cut back my calories each day.  I'm doing alright I think.  I have gone back to using MyFitnessPal and I really like the simplicity of it.  You can see my food by clicking on Food & Fitness above.  I can tell you it will be hard to stay in my calorie count while out of town.  I won't be able to cook for myself for three days and I'll be stressed to the max.  I think if I take snacks and drink lots of water I'll make it through.  Not really sure where I'll get my exercise though... I guess I can try to go walking outside if the weather permits but I don't think our lodging has stairs.  PS... look at my numbers.  I have NEVER seen 100% same numbers before.  At least I didn't gain, but I want to lose this week.

I'm also linking up to Slimmer this Summer hosted by Debbi and Mir.  Join us!

Slimmer This Summer Goals:
  • Track my calories and use proper portion control {Check}
  • Exercise at least 10 minutes per day, preferably more {Almost!}
  • Drink at least 6 cups of water per day working my way up to 9 (48 ounces minimum) {Not this week}
My Week's Workouts:
Check out all my daily workouts here.

  • June 6
     - 1 Mile Bike Ride and Play at the Park
  • June 7
     - Nothing worth recording
  • June 8
     - Nothing worth recording
  • June 9
     - Heavy lifting and carrying boxes upstairs
  • June 10
     - 2 Mile Bike Ride (to make up for the 7th)
  • June 11
     - Nothing worth recording
  • June 12 - Nothing worth recording

My Numbers
Green is ImprovementRed is Bad, Mmkay?Blue is Stayed the Same

Weight -223.2
BMI % -53.5
Water % -34.9
Muscle Mass % -33

How did you do this week?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thank You and Small Change Challenge Week 1

First, may I just say I have the best readers!  Y'all are awesome.  I am feeling a bit better already.  To help with the physical side of things I went shopping and bought a new bra and a couple of nice shirts that fit my current form well.  DH likes them too.  I also want to say, Debbi, you are so right.  I can't let this be an excuse.

Now, I do have a hurdle to work through and I missed working out today... but I know I can find a way around it.  Our town is in a basin and there are wild fires to our north, west, and south right now.  You can imagine the air quality isn't very good with all the smoke settling down here in the valley so bike rides have been put on hold.  It's one thing to be outside, but another to be huffin' and puffin' out there... with a baby... whose getting over a cold still.  So I am having to find ways to exercise inside.  It's not so easy for me... as evidenced by this last winter, but I'll find something I like and can stick to.  Now, on to the challenge since I'm a bit late getting this posted.  It's already Thursday in most of the US, but it's still Wednesday for me.

  • June 1-4Count all my calories and keep appropriate portion control (Feeling stuffed is really starting to make me feel sick and sluggish.)
Um yeah, so I've kinda been failing at this for 3 days. I've been counting... but I've been going over.  For the last 3 days I've been so hungry and ended up eating an extra 500 calories.  No, I'm not pregnant.  That was my first thought too, but the test was negative and my BC hasn't failed yet.  I guess it could be the increase in exercise, but I didn't think I'd need an extra 500 calories.  That's a whole extra meal each day.  I'll keep working on this in the next week as well as my second goal, exercising at least 10 minutes everyday.

Oh and PS... TRACE ADKINS HUGGED ME TONIGHT! Oh yeah!  I went to his concert tonight and got to go back stage.  Woot!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I just want to cry

It's been a rough couple of days and this morning something happened that one, I don't want to talk about right now, and two broke my heart and left me feeling completely unattractive in every way, not just physically.  If you are the praying type, I need healing prayers right now.  I do NOT want to fall back into that hole of depression when I was just starting to feel better.  The event that made this happen isn't to blame so it's going to be really hard for me to move past this.  It was something that was true, and honest, and needed to be discussed but it hurt nonetheless.  You've been there before right?  Looked that elephant in the room straight in the eye, said "I see you", and had a long hard cry about how to get him out of there.  I'm in that place right now.  The elephant is big, mammoth big, and we only have a mouse hole to escort him out of.  Pray for a wrecking ball so we can get him out of our lives fast.  I can deal with the huge hole it'll leave easier than I can deal with the giant crap this elephant is leaving in my life right now.  {DANG IT! Why can't I come up with these nice pretty metaphors come to mind when I'm happy?  Stupid angsty muse!}

Monday, June 6, 2011

Starting Weigh In: Plus Size Bloggers Tracking Challenge: Bye Bye Booties!

Yep, another challenge!  With all these challenges I know I'll stay on track.  Plus DH is in full "help my wife get healthy sexy" swing. LOL  By the way... with my two bike rides and stair climbing this week my calves are TIGHT! I stood up from the couch after working on a blog design for about an hour and my legs were locked up.  I need to stretch more...

Anywho, this challenge is a Plus Size Bloggers Tracing Challenge.  This time our challenge is to lose 15lbs in 12 weeks.  That's a good healthy weight loss for anyone.

Starting weight: 222lbs
Goal for August 29th: 207 {Let's see if I can make that 199lbs!}

{This was my weight when I turned in my application last week so I don't have a photo of my scale.  As you can see I am up to 223.2 now so I have a bit to make up for.  I can do it!}

Motivation Monday, June 6

Motivation Monday

Welcome to Motivation Monday! I will be chronicling my journey back to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Each week I will discuss how the previous week was and set some goals for the next week. I will also be listing my progress. If you would like to see past progress you can click on the Motivation Monday photo above for other Motivation Monday posts. If you would like to get motivated with me please link up your post using the link form below. Your post can be in any format you want.Whether you are trying to get healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or if you just have a task you need some motivation to complete...please link up so we can help support each other. I would love to hear about your progress and help keep you motivated!

Healthy Steps:
We've started going on nightly bike rides which have been so much fun!  Also, I'm entered in four challenges this month.  Hopefully they will all keep me on track.  Although I didn't come in under my weight from the beginning of last month, I did lose a whole pound this week which is great!  I'm just going to have to lose it big this month to make up for missing my monthly goal this week.  Come July I plan to be under 220lbs!

I'm also linking up to Slimmer this Summer hosted by Debbi and Mir.  Join us!

Slimmer This Summer Goals:
  • Track my calories and use proper portion control {Check}
  • Exercise at least 10 minutes per day, preferably more {Check}
  • Drink at least 6 cups of water per day working my way up to 9 (48 ounces minimum) {Almost!}
My Week's Workouts:
Check out all my daily workouts here.
  • June 3 - 1 Mile Bike Ride
  • June 4 - 1.5 Mile Bike Ride
  • June 5 - 10 flights of stairs (up and down 10 times)
My Numbers
Green is ImprovementRed is Bad, Mmkay?Blue is Stayed the Same

Weight -223.2
BMI % -53.5
Water % -34.9
Muscle Mass % -33

How did you do this week?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A Little Bummed...

As you can see I didn't meet my monthly goal for the first time this year.  I'd say 5 months of weight loss is great even if it is only one pound a month... but I am still a bit bummed that I missed the mark this month.  I was 0.4 lbs over my beginning weight for May.  I do have some encouraging news though.  I bought a present for my hubby and so far we love it!  Little Bit isn't as thrilled since he has to wear a helmet, but he's doing better each day.  I bought him this!

Yeah, I know... not quite big enough for DH to fit in... but now we can go on family bike rides.  DH LOVES biking and I used to when I was younger.  I recently found an old fashioned bike with a saddle style seat that doesn't hurt my hips when I ride and it's been real fun getting out there and biking around the neighborhood.  The first day we went for one mile with a strong headwind.  Yesterday went biked for a mile and a half and I felt good.  Today maybe we can do 2 miles.  Maybe not though since I'm feeling the burn from these last two days.  But I'm getting in at least 1 mile!  I may not have met my goal this month... but next month I will surpass it by far more than one pound!