Monday, June 6, 2011

Starting Weigh In: Plus Size Bloggers Tracking Challenge: Bye Bye Booties!

Yep, another challenge!  With all these challenges I know I'll stay on track.  Plus DH is in full "help my wife get healthy sexy" swing. LOL  By the way... with my two bike rides and stair climbing this week my calves are TIGHT! I stood up from the couch after working on a blog design for about an hour and my legs were locked up.  I need to stretch more...

Anywho, this challenge is a Plus Size Bloggers Tracing Challenge.  This time our challenge is to lose 15lbs in 12 weeks.  That's a good healthy weight loss for anyone.

Starting weight: 222lbs
Goal for August 29th: 207 {Let's see if I can make that 199lbs!}

{This was my weight when I turned in my application last week so I don't have a photo of my scale.  As you can see I am up to 223.2 now so I have a bit to make up for.  I can do it!}
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