Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thank You and Small Change Challenge Week 1

First, may I just say I have the best readers!  Y'all are awesome.  I am feeling a bit better already.  To help with the physical side of things I went shopping and bought a new bra and a couple of nice shirts that fit my current form well.  DH likes them too.  I also want to say, Debbi, you are so right.  I can't let this be an excuse.

Now, I do have a hurdle to work through and I missed working out today... but I know I can find a way around it.  Our town is in a basin and there are wild fires to our north, west, and south right now.  You can imagine the air quality isn't very good with all the smoke settling down here in the valley so bike rides have been put on hold.  It's one thing to be outside, but another to be huffin' and puffin' out there... with a baby... whose getting over a cold still.  So I am having to find ways to exercise inside.  It's not so easy for me... as evidenced by this last winter, but I'll find something I like and can stick to.  Now, on to the challenge since I'm a bit late getting this posted.  It's already Thursday in most of the US, but it's still Wednesday for me.

  • June 1-4Count all my calories and keep appropriate portion control (Feeling stuffed is really starting to make me feel sick and sluggish.)
Um yeah, so I've kinda been failing at this for 3 days. I've been counting... but I've been going over.  For the last 3 days I've been so hungry and ended up eating an extra 500 calories.  No, I'm not pregnant.  That was my first thought too, but the test was negative and my BC hasn't failed yet.  I guess it could be the increase in exercise, but I didn't think I'd need an extra 500 calories.  That's a whole extra meal each day.  I'll keep working on this in the next week as well as my second goal, exercising at least 10 minutes everyday.

Oh and PS... TRACE ADKINS HUGGED ME TONIGHT! Oh yeah!  I went to his concert tonight and got to go back stage.  Woot!
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