Monday, February 28, 2011

27 Days of Loving Me! Day 1

For all of March I am going to celebrate 27 days of loving yours truly.  I'd love if you join in and tell me why you love yourself.  Each day (minus Motivation Mondays, hence the 27 days instead of 31) I will make a post sharing with you a reason why "I love me".  Starting today!

27 Days of Loving Me Challenge

I love how no matter what is going on in my life, on any given day, at any given moment I can usually find the humor in it.  That's not to say I'm not sad at times or discouraged; you've seen me in that place recently.  But, more times than not, if something is upsetting me, give me ten minutes of talking (and sometimes crying) and I'll end up laughing.  I'm likely not laughing at the subject that was upsetting me, but laughter in and of itself puts me in a much better mood and a much better place to deal with whatever it was.  It's a trait I feel blessed to posses.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Motivation Monday, February 28

Motivation Monday

Welcome to Motivation Monday! I will be chronicling my journey back to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Each week I will discuss how the previous week was and set some goals for the next week. I will also be listing my progress. If you would like to see past progress you can click on the Motivation Monday photo above for other Motivation Monday posts. If you would like to get motivated with me please link up your post using the link form below. Your post can be in any format you want.Whether you are trying to get healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or if you just have a task you need some motivation to complete...please link up so we can help support each other. I would love to hear about your progress and help keep you motivated!

Healthy Steps
My Week's Workouts:
    So tomorrow I am beginning my new weekly workouts.  The snow has been falling for days now and the temps are back to -20 and below so I haven't been to the gym in a while.  I actually saw someone stuck in the gym parking lot today and I drove by...  I have come up with some things to do at home until it is warm enough to be out again.  I'll be sharing them with you later this week though.
Changes I've Seen This Week

Well, my numbers are all in the green this week.  Which is especially odd because for the last half year if the top four were green the bottom was red and vis versa.  This week was special and truly needed!  I believe this week is credited to God alone because I didn't do anything to lose that weight.  I just hope that my new eating and exercise plan can keep me there next week.  My jeans were feeling a little tight this week so I think I need to work on hula hooping and step on my Wii fit.

My Numbers {From Last Saturday's Weigh In}
{Green is Improvement, Red is Bad, Mmkay?, Blue is Stayed the Same}

Weight -224.6
BMI % -54.1
Water % -34.6
Muscle Mass % -33.3

How did you do this week?
Link up below!

Plus Size Bloggers March Competition!

This month's Plus Size Blogger's competition is for most inches lost.  Here are my starting measurements:
  • Neck - 15.5
  • Upper Arm Left - 15.25
  • Upper Arm Right - 16
  • Chest - 43
  • Waist - 49.75
  • Abdomen - 52.5
  • Buttocks (6″below waist) - 49.5
  • Upper Thigh left -28.5
  • Upper Thigh right - 27.5
  • Calf left - 18
  • Calf right - 17
  • Upper Knee left - 19.5
  • Upper Knee right - 19
  • Total Inches - 371
So that makes my grand total for starting this competition: 371 inches.   Time to start losing those inches ladies and gents!  I think I need to hula hoop more often.  Maybe by the end of the month I'll actually be able to do it... I'll lose quite a bit just trying though lol.

    He Was Right!

    My wonderful husband was right!  Check it out!!!

    He had told me last week that there was a trend in my weight loss.  If I ignored the numbers and looked at the chart I would see two weeks of losses with a slight gain in between.  When I looked at my numbers all I saw was back and forth between 226 and 227.2lbs... but sure enough he was right!  When I weighed myself yesterday morning I was 227.2lbs just like I expected and dreaded... but something made me jump rope later that day and afterward I thought I'll just check.  Sure enough, I was down to 226.  That was better than gaining I thought.  Then today I got home from church and before I ate my lunch I decided to check one more time.  Once Monday comes I count that as the next week so this was my last chance.  I stepped on expecting a raise since I had already eaten breakfast but it was lower.  I wet my feet and took an official measurement with the electrode pulse and all my numbers are in the green!  I am so excited.  I actually have the motivation to put my new plan into action.  I'll share that with you later.  I am still working out the details right now, but in short, I've decided to stop worrying about what I need to take out of my diet (sweets) and worry about what I need to ADD to my diet (veggies and lean meats) instead.

    Next week is the first weigh in of March.  My goal throughout the year is to lose each month.  No matter what my weight does week to week, I want the first weigh in of each month to be lower than the previous.  Even if I only lose 1 lb a month overall, that is progress to me!  Here's hoping my new food and exercise plan can get keep me below 226lbs.

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    A Big Scare!

    We had a BIG scare with LB last night.  You can read all about it here.  I think I'm going to be spending all day today trying to relax while he's napping and holding him every moment he'll allow me to.  I imagine my blood pressure is up a bit today... not to mention my cortisol level.  I don't even want to think about that...

    Thursday, February 24, 2011

    Mid-Week Weight Loss

    I have to admit... I am still a bit obsessed with weighing myself.  Although now I don't use it to kick myself, just sort of a how am I doing during the week.  Anyways... I have been stepping on the scale about half way through the week and my weight is down, but come Saturday it is right back where it was.  I know it fluctuates day to day and even hour to hour, but man it's annoying seeing 225lbs on Wednesday and 227.2 again on Saturday!  I was 228lbs today.  So not cool... but I did have a date last night so I guess that is fine.  It's a marathon, not a sprint!  ...right?

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011

    Is My Blog Keeping Me Fat?

    I was working on some of my new blog designs and couldn't help but take a fresh look at Hippo with a Headband.  Maybe I should make it all over again...  I got to looking at my header since its the part readers see immediately and use to determine if they will like the blog or not.  It's the focal point.  The title and images usually tell you a bit about the content of the blog.  I just kept staring at that hippo and started thinking... Am I setting myself up for failure?

    Sure hippos are my favorite animals; I think they are adorable and *look* cuddly.  The thought of a hippo needing to lose weight makes sense and seeing one atop a scale is pretty cute and catchy I suppose.  Maybe it makes people think, "what is that all about?" or "awww, how cute!"  But the problem that came to mind was... do I associate myself with the hippo?  Is that cute little gal with the pink bandanna up there how I see myself?  Have I personified myself in my blog image?  Or is it just a cute little hippo on a scale?

    Honestly, I have no idea but I guess it's something I should think about.  So just a heads up, there might be a total remodel of my blog coming soon... or at least a few tweaks here and there.

    Monday, February 21, 2011

    Owie! Stupid Hormones...

    My poor body has been through so much with hormones in the last year. First the pregnancy, then the postpartum changes. I tried birth control for a while but the depression and weight gain were too much for me. Then another pregnancy and miscarriage. Now my stupid birth control is causing a freak period 2 weeks early. This can not be good for my body or weight loss. I know that hormones and stress play a big role in weight loss for most women. As much as it makes me cringe to think of having something inserted under my skin... I think I might need to look into non-hormonal birth control more. Who knows, maybe it will make all the difference in my weight loss and mood. Have any of you been on non-hormonal birth control? Which did you use and did you like it?

    Motivation Monday, February 21

    Motivation Monday

    Welcome to Motivation Monday! I will be chronicling my journey back to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Each week I will discuss how the previous week was and set some goals for the next week. I will also be listing my progress. If you would like to see past progress you can click on the Motivation Monday photo above for other Motivation Monday posts.If you would like to get motivated with me please link up your post using the link form below. Your post can be in any format you want.Whether you are trying to get healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or if you just have a task you need some motivation to complete...please link up so we can help support each other. I would love to hear about your progress and help keep you motivated!

    Healthy Steps
    My Week's Workouts:
      Been a bad week y'all.  I am unpacking some boxes though... boxes full of books.  I suppose that counts as upper body workout..
    Changes I've Seen This Week

    My weight keeps yo-yoing up and down between 227.2 and 226.0lbs.  It's annoying!  But according to the hubby and my chart, I ought to lose next week again before going back up.  And charts don't lie folks.  lol... neither does the hubby... so here's hoping they are right.  I'm so sick of this rut! Also... something odd. EVERY time my weight, BMI and water % are in the green, my muscle mass is in the red and vis versa.

    My Numbers {From Last Saturday's Weigh In}
    {Green is Improvement, Red is Bad, Mmkay?, Blue is Stayed the Same}

    Weight -226
    BMI % -54.4
    Water % -33.8
    Muscle Mass % -32.9

    How did you do this week?
    Link up below!

    Saturday, February 19, 2011

    Depression and Withdrawl

    I suppose you might have noticed by now that my normal cheery, uplifting posts have turned to cynical, and much less frequent, ones.  I also imagine it is pretty obvious by now that I was, and I suppose still am, dealing with another bout of depression... all when I have brand new readers!  Oh where are my manners?  I feel like I ought to say I'm sorry for my lack of posting and my downer personality of late.  I wouldn't say I've hit a rock bottom, but I think I'm sliding in that direction.  Thankfully I seem to have found some solid ground to rest a while and start working myself back out.  {Somehow imagining myself in a deep dark hole but no longer sliding down it, resting on a ledge and looking up at the light streaming down from above makes me smile and feel a little better already.  The mind sure is an amazing thing.}

    Anywho... I have discovered some things that were bringing my mood down and some things that are helping me to feel better about myself and where I am in life right now.  I wanted to share them with you, my friends.  {Warning:  This post has turned out MUCH longer than I had planned... sorry if I seem to be rambling but honestly, I really haven't sat down and thought about all these feelings before so it's sort of just flowing out of me right now.}

    As you know, and as an announcement of sorts for my new readers, my husband and I suffered a miscarriage at 12 weeks a couple of months ago.  At the time I wasn't very upset about the matter.  I knew it was going to happen for a week before I actually lost the baby so I guess I felt like I was prepared.  When it actually happened all I felt was physical pain and the emotional pain of my first miscarriage back in high school nearly 8 years ago when I was completely alone physically and emotionally.  Afterward I felt okay.  I went to the doctor to make sure I wouldn't need any further assistance because at 12 weeks the fetus is supposed to be "safe" and miscarriages after that date usually need surgery to make sure the mother doesn't get an infection.  Everything turned out just fine and life went back to somewhat normal.  It wasn't until I went to my Bible study a couple weeks later that I realized how hurt I was.  There are at least five in the program of thirty or so women that are obviously pregnant.  It was so painful to see their smiling faces, watch them rubbing their swollen bellies, and hear about all their appointments and what sex the baby was.  I felt guilty because I wasn't sure I was ready for baby number two and then we lost him or her.  I also felt defeated because I knew I couldn't get pregnant again until I was under 180lbs.  That weight puts me in the "overweight" category and drops my chance of complications by quite a lot.  It's the weight DH and I have decided on before we begin trying again.  It's a good choice and is the best one for our family, but sometimes it makes me feel defeated before I even begin.  Forty pounds seems so far away right now.  It took me a year to lose 10lbs following Little Bit's birth.  Sometimes I feel like a liar when I tell people I lost 40lbs.  I am about 40lbs lighter than when I had LB, but I only worked 10 of those pounds off.  The rest was just my body taking care of extra water weight by making me run to the bathroom every 10 minutes for a week postpartum.  How am I going to lose 40lbs so we can have another baby?  I just keep thinking LB will be 6 year old before we can try again at this rate.  You can see how this has been harder on me that I first thought it was.  I feel as though I'm being punished for being fat even though I know it's just what is healthiest for me and our future children.

    My weight itself has been trying on me as well.  As you can see in my weight loss chart, my weight keeps going back and forth.  227.2 down to 226 back up to 227.2 down to 226....
    My husband told me something today that has my hopes up a bit though.  He said to look at my chart closer and ignore the numbers.  I am falling down two slots and only going back up one.  So if I can keep this trend next week I will be below 226.  I might get to 225 and then back up to 226 but then I should fall back down to 225 or 224lbs.  I hope he is right.  Maybe my body has found a pattern.  I am going to do two things with this knowledge.  1) Try not to let it psych me out and actually gain this week artificially since stress seems to play a huge factor in my weight loss and 2) I am going to work out harder to show myself that it is dropping two slots each time.

    I've found a couple of things that should help me to lose this weight.  Two of them are Bible studies.  One, The Frazzled Female, I am working on right now and the second, Made to Crave, I plan on buying next week.  The Frazzled Female has helped me to relax, eliminate the things in my life that I really don't need to worry and stress about, and first and foremost, put God first.  My faith has not always been the cornerstone of who I am, but every time I make it that, things go better for me.  I suppose I believe in God because He's the only one who has made any positive change in my life so I plan on sticking by Him.  I've noticed my mood getting more positive as I've thought about Him first and my problems second.  I've also noticed that I have less problems that way too.  Made to Crave is a Bible study specifically about living a healthy life with food.  As far as I can tell, without having read the book yet, the premise is that we were made to crave God.  Some people crave money or fame more than God; I crave food and the numbers on my scale to drop more and that is where I have gone wrong.  When I focus on food and on my scale I can't see the bigger picture and I just get more frustrated and the pounds pack on and on.  I need to shift my focus away from my unhealthy obsession and look at something positive and loving, which for me is God.

    Finally I have some old fashioned exercise to help me out on my continued weight loss journey.  I went out yesterday and bought some things... new costume jewelry to make myself feel pretty, supportive and lacy bras to make myself feel sexy and confident, and some sexy little boots to lift the butt and thighs and make me look hot in my jeans... or undies if the occasion suits them.  And last, but not least, I bought a brand new swimsuit!  It's one of those $100 bra fitted dress ones and it was on clearance!  Living in Alaska during -20* weather does have one perk apparently.  I was so excited to get such a nice swimsuit for a decent price.  I called DH from the store to make sure it would be put to good use before paying for it and he said we could go to the gym and swim every weekend.  I have also asked him if he would work out with me while I do my wii fit exercises.  He doesn't like the wii fit, but he has agreed to do sit ups along side me.  I really think I need someone to work out with to keep me motivated and I love that my husband has stepped up to the plate for me.  I don't really have many friends here and working out becomes a problem when childcare isn't available.

    Overall, I think things should be looking up from here on out.  I'm sure I still have some more issues to deal with, but I feel more able to do that now a days.  Thanks for hanging in there with me y'all.  You mean the world to me just reading along and supporting me with your words.  I'll be back on Monday for Monday Motivation.  I hope you'll join me and link up one of your posts.

    Sunday, February 13, 2011

    Motivation Monday, February 14

    Happy Valentine's Day Lovelies!
    Motivation Monday

    Welcome to Motivation Monday! I will be chronicling my journey back to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Each week I will discuss how the previous week was and set some goals for the next week. I will also be listing my progress. If you would like to see past progress you can click on the Motivation Monday photo above for other Motivation Monday posts.
    If you would like to get motivated with me please link up your post using the link form below. Your post can be in any format you want.Whether you are trying to get healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or if you just have a task you need some motivation to complete...please link up so we can help support each other. I would love to hear about your progress and help keep you motivated!

    Healthy Steps
    My Week's Workouts:
      Um, so I did stuff this week like dancing and climbing the stairs a lot... but no formal work outs.  Bad me.
    Changes I've Seen This Week

    My fat feels funny.  Lol, I'll explain in another post... but it just feels different somehow.  I'm not sure exactly how to describe it, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.  Also, I am working on feeling sexier.  I have some new lipstick and I've sorted through my clothes and underwear.  We'll see how that goes next week.

    My Numbers {From Last Saturday's Weigh In}
    {Green is Improvement, Red is Bad, Mmkay?, Blue is Stayed the Same}

    Weight -227.2
    BMI % -55
    Water % -33.8
    Muscle Mass % -33

    How did you do this week?
    Link up below! If you'd like to have the blog hop linky on your post like mine, just press "Get the Code Here" and copy/paste it into your post.

    Saturday, February 12, 2011

    Goal Celebrations

    I'm in a rut.  I'm slipping deeper and deeper into a depression and I need to cling hold of something solid before I fall too far.  I've decided it's time to celebrate!  I need to get excited about my progress and have something to look forward to and work towards.  So here are my goals with corresponding celebrations.  I'll be posting them on my sidebar before too long as a constant reminder.

    Starting Weight - 270 lbs
    Goal Weights --- Celebration

    GOAL REACHED! 250 lbs --- New hair do. (I'm thinking a perm)
    GOAL REACHED! 220 lbs --- Get my hair done/ scalp massage.
    199 lbs --- Onederland Tea Party at my place to celebrate with my friends.
    180 lbs --- Try for baby number 2!!!
    (Interlude: Enjoy the baby bump, loose the minimal amount of baby weight I put on... teehee, and then)
    170 lbs --- Date night out with the hubby.  Celebrate, reconnect, and relax!
    160 lbs --- Buy all new lingerie. Get re-fitted for my new, smaller, bras!
    Final Goal 145 lbs --- Buy all new wardrobe!!!  (That is if I'm not preggers at the time...)

    Motivation In Motion - Blog Design

    As you may know, I like to design my blogs... a lot.  Unfortunately, there are only so many new blog designs I can do to one site while staying on theme and not annoying my readers.  So, I decided to exercise my creative side with blog designing.  I have done two blog designs for people other than myself so far and it went well.  I am going to do five more before I decide if I want to make a business out of it.  That's where you come in!

    I need five more guinea pigs bloggers who would like a new design so I can practice working with clients, my HTML skills, and determine a reasonable turn around time for my clients, myself and my family.  As always, DH and LB come first... but I think this would be a great thing for me to do during nap times.  So do you want a new, FREE, blog design?  If so, click below to see my portfolio and send me a request!

    P.S. What do you think about my button? I'm not 100% sure about it, but I guess it's pretty cute yet still generic so it will fit into any design I do.

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Motivation Monday, February 7

    Announcement: I have found my old linky website and will continue to have a link up.  No more pretty blog buttons, but that's the price I'm not paying for. lol

    Motivation Monday

    Welcome to Motivation Monday! I will be chronicling my journey back to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Each week I will discuss how the previous week was and set some goals for the next week. I will also be listing my progress. If you would like to see past progress you can click on the Motivation Monday photo above for other Motivation Monday posts.

    If you would like to get motivated with me please link up your post using the link form below. Your post can be in any format you want.Whether you are trying to get healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or if you just have a task you need some motivation to complete...please link up so we can help support each other. I would love to hear about your progress and help keep you motivated!

    Healthy Steps
    My Week's Workouts:
    • Shoveling Snow from the Driveway and Walks (Moderate)
    • Wii Fit hula hooping and advanced step with a wii enhancement board (Moderate)
    • Some other stuff I don't remember right now... but I did not get to the gym this week
    Changes I've Seen This Week

    Even though my numbers are still down this week I am having a hard time emotionally.  For some reason all I can do is think "why bother?"  I feel alone in this struggle to lose weight.  I feel like I haven't made any progress in over 2 years, only undid the damage that happened to me with the pregnancy and surgeries last year.  I guess treading water for 2 years can get pretty damn annoying.  I'm having a hard time remembering a lot of things, everyday things, why I enjoy doing things, why I'm even trying to lose this weight.  I know the simple answer, to be happy, enjoy life, be healthy... but it's wearing on me.  I have to find some motivation and find it fast.  I'm hoping it's just some hormonal depression and changing my BC on Tuesday will put me right as rain.

    My Numbers {From Last Saturday's Weigh In}
    {Green is Improvement, Red is Bad, Mmkay?, Blue is Stayed the Same}

    Weight -226
    BMI % -54.3
    Water % -34.2
    Muscle Mass % -32.7

    How did you do this week?
    Link up below! If you'd like to have the blog hop linky on your post like mine, just press "Get the Code Here" and copy/paste it into your post.

    Wednesday, February 2, 2011

    Adrenal Fatigue

    You don't really wake up until 10am, even if you've been awake since 7.  You're tired all the time, even right after waking up.  You get a burst of energy in the evening or even late at night.  You crave sweets and salty foods.  You feel depressed, run down, and have no energy throughout the day.  You exercise and instead of feeling energized you just get more tired and sore.  You're lightheaded; you're muscles are weak; and you can't seem to concentrate on anything.  You sigh more often and your allergies are getting out of control.  You eat right and work out but the pounds aren't dropping.  Does that sound like you?

    It sure sounds like me... 'to a t'!  I've been struggling with this for a while and couldn't figure it out.  I thought maybe I just needed more sleep, but no matter how many hours I spend in bed I never get more than 4 hours straight at a time.  Then I thought maybe if I work out I'll sleep better.  I expected to feel a high and be energized from my workouts, but they just leave me even more exhausted and sore for days.  I didn't know what I was doing wrong.  I was at such a loss that I asked my doctor on Monday to run a blood test on my thyroid.  It turned out normal.  I was relived to know I wouldn't have to take medication for the rest of my life, but I was pretty bummed that I still had no idea why I couldn't sleep or seem to "catch up" with life.  Then I read an article today talking about adrenal fatigue.   It listed the symptoms above and I checked yes to every single one of them.

    We all know that we need to eat right, exercise daily, and take time to relax, but I'd been putting it off for the most part.  It's been two years since I've gotten more than 4 hours of sleep at any given time and over the last week I have been unable to read a paragraph out loud without slurring at least 5 words; it is time I stop putting off my health.  So what can you do to heal your adrenal glands?  It's pretty simple really, but it takes consistency and time.
    • Minimize stress to give your adrenal glands a rest from the "fight or flight" response
    • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
    • Eat lean proteins and healthy fats
    • Keep to whole grain, complex carbohydrates to keep your blood sugar even
    • Eat 4-6 small meals throughout the day to stabilize your blood sugar levels
    • Add sea salt to your daily diet
    • Take a good B6 multivitamin
    • Laugh and have fun every day
    • Avoid stimulants like the caffeine in coffee, chocolate, sodas, and some weight loss supplements
    I'll be following these guidelines for the next few weeks and letting you know how I feel.  I hope to get on a better sleep schedule and find some relaxing time for myself.  Little Bit is going through some major growing pains and it's wreaking havoc on my emotional and physical well being.  Just a couple nights ago I had to go shut myself in the closet for a cry when he was throwing a fit.  DH took care of everything and came to check on me after a few minutes.  It has been a tough couple of weeks in our household and we all need some fun for a change. That leads me to some great news... but you'll have to wait to hear about it in another post.

    Tuesday, February 1, 2011

    Heat Wave!

    While the rest of the country is being pounded by a blizzard, (even Dallas is in the negatives!) us Alaskans are stuck in a heat wave!  It's been in the positives all day, even before the sun rose this morning.  Although it's nice not to have my lungs burning from the cold air, I am a bit worried about the snow melting and icing over the roads tonight.  But, seeing as there is nothing I can do about that... I'm going to take advantage of our nice "warm" weather and go for a family walk around the neighborhood tonight.  We're going to leash up the pup, bundle up the babe, throw on our winter gear and head out for a stroll.  It should be nice to get outside for a bit.  We've been cooped up in this house for months now!  I think I'm going a bit stir crazy!  I hope you are all staying nice and warm and keeping safe on those roads.  If you aren't used to snowy roads, just go slow and you'll be just fine.