Friday, December 3, 2010

Hot 100 Update Week 10

Here are my new goals:
  • Lose 15 lbs from 225.3lbs to get to 210lbs
  • List 10 items in my new Etsy shop
  • Unpack all the boxes from this move
How did I do last week?
  • Weight: 222.2lbs which is a total 3.1lbs/15lbs lost, 12.2lbs to go! - I am not able to weigh myself until Monday or Tuesday so that is last week's weight in.
  • 5/15 items listed - I may not get this one done because all my crafting supplies are packed away now... but I'll keep trying
  • We are still moving today... this is taking much longer than it should have.  Anyways, we ought to be in the new house tonight and I can begin unpacking.  - In Progress
How did you do with your goals this week?
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