Sunday, September 25, 2011

Motivation Monday, September 26

Motivation Monday

Welcome to Motivation Monday! I will be chronicling my journey back to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Each week I will discuss how the previous week was and set some goals for the next week. I will also be listing my progress. If you would like to see past progress you can click on the Motivation Monday photo above for other Motivation Monday posts. If you would like to get motivated with me please link up your post using the link form below. Your post can be in any format you want.Whether you are trying to get healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or if you just have a task you need some motivation to complete...please link up so we can help support each other. I would love to hear about your progress and help keep you motivated!

I'll be linking up from my journal, Half of Me, from now on so check for that link in the list to see my weekly progress!

How did you do this week?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Christmas Dress Countdown Week 3

My Weight This Week:  209.4 lbs {down 3 lbs since Sept 4th}
Dress Size Today:  18 Woman
Book I'm Using:  Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst (First update on this book soon... I kinda misplaced it.  I have the DVD ready to go though. lol)
My Caloric Limit Progress:  I stayed within my weekly points this week with 20 of my 49 weekly points left.  I went a little over my daily points each day.  According to the WWers scale I lost 0.8lbs this week.  I know I can do better if I add exercise to my weight loss plan.
Exercise This Week:  I've been unpacking boxes and moving furniture trying to get the garage cleared out for the car before it snows (tomorrow btw...) and trying to get the craft room ready.  It's been a good workout, but not consistent and when I'm done getting the house in order I need something to do.  Today I bought a mini trampoline, pink 6lb ball, and pink 5lb kettle bell.  Pink exercise equipment sees more use than non pink. lol  My yoga mat and favorite sports bra are pink too! :0P
Number of Days This Week I Drank 8 Glasses of Water Each Day:  4 Days. I did quite a bit better this week on getting my water in.  I've also been eating about 4-6 cups of fruit a day so there's lots of fluids in those as well.

I'm linking up here for the Christmas Dress Countdown!  Check out all the other contestants and see how they're doing this week.

The Best Gift Challenge - Week 1

The challenge has begun!  I'll be posting my weekly updates every Friday to link up at Less of Me, More of Him on Saturday.  Here are my weekly goals:
  1. Continuing my daily prayer and Bible study time,
  2. Continuing to lose weight by staying true to my Weight Watcher's plan,
  3. Preparing and eating healthy foods everyday,
  4. Exercising consistently,
  5. Hydrating properly each day,
  6. Taking time to rest throughout the day and get enough sleep at night,
  7. and Setting aside time to play and laugh with my husband and son each day.
I've gotten back into my morning Bible study time routine and it's helping so much with my energy and motivation throughout the day.  I am still doing well following my Weight Watcher's plan and I lost another pound this week.  I got my 10lb sticker today and next week I should be getting my 5% goal!  Even with my gain the week I went off plan I have lost nearly 11 pounds in 10 weeks!  I am officially in the single digits and am getting so close to being under 200 I can smell it!!!

Still need to drink more water and fix some better meals each night.  I've been getting about 6 of my 8 daily cups of water.  I am still lacking in my daily exercise.  I've been working on unpacking more boxes and getting the craft room set up so that's some good exercise, but when I'm done there I'll need something I can do everyday.  Finally, I need to spend some more time relaxing and bonding with my husband this week.  He's been so busy at work and I've been going nonstop trying to get the house completely unpacked and decorated that we haven't been spending any time connecting.

So, this week I need to work harder at:
  • Drinking 8 glasses of water a day
  • Cooking nightly meals
  • Unwinding at night so I can fall asleep at a healthy hour
  • Spending some quality time with my husband each night
  • Finding a specific exercise I can do every day

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Christmas Dress Countdown Week 2

My Weight This Week:  209.4 lbs {down 3 lbs}
Dress Size Today:  18 Woman
Book I'm Using:  Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst
My Caloric Limit Progress:  Last week I didn't use even ONE weekly point!  I stayed within my daily limit every day this week and it. was. hard.  I was hungry everyday, but I lost about 1/2 a pound more than usual.  Even more important, I proved to myself that I had the discipline to do it!  This week I plan on keeping my weekly points usage to a minimum.
Exercise This Week:  Lots of walking.  I ended up with a cold last week which kept me in bed for 3 days but I was able to walk at least.  I think I'll try swimming this week if I can figure it into Little Bit and my schedule.  We don't have childcare for him so I'm having to find a time when DH is home and the pool is open.
Number of Days This Week I Drank 8 Glasses of Water Each Day:  1... I have actually never done that badly but because I normally flavor my water and it costs 1 point I haven't been drinking as much as I should have.  I've been getting 5-7 glasses each day.  This week should be better.

I'm linking up here for the Christmas Dress Countdown!  Check out all the other contestants and see how they're doing this week.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The Best Gift Challenge - Beginning Week

The challenge has begun!  I'll be posting my weekly updates every Friday to link up at Less of Me, More of Him on Saturday.  Here are my weekly goals:
  1. Continuing my daily prayer and Bible study time,
  2. Continuing to lose weight by staying true to my Weight Watcher's plan,
  3. Preparing and eating healthy foods everyday,
  4. Exercising consistently,
  5. Hydrating properly each day,
  6. Taking time to rest throughout the day and get enough sleep at night,
  7. and Setting aside time to play and laugh with my husband and son each day.
I've been lacking in my morning Bible study time.  These last couple of mornings I have gotten back into my routine and I plan to stay to it this week.  Starting my day off talking with God and taking the time to read His word and listen to what He wants me to do with my life really gives me to strength and motivation to make it through my day.  I have been doing really well following my Weight Watcher's plan and it's showing.  I look better, feel better, and the number on the scale is dropping.  I was even in the single digits a few days ago.  I hope to see that loss stay on Saturday, but I know that day by day my weight will fluctuate so I won't be devastated if I'm still 210.  My clothes are fitting better and that's something big!

I've been eating and drinking alright this week, but I really could drink a couple more cups a day and fix more elaborate meals than tuna or eggs.  I really need to work on my daily exercise.  I'm getting about 4-6,000 steps a day but I need 10,000 to be healthy and I really need to add some strength training.  My Dr says it's good not only for weight loss and heart health, but for my sex drive too which has suffered for years.  We're tracking my hormones right now to see if that's the culprit.  {Whole other story though.. I'll elaborate on my journal blog, Half of Me, later in case you are interested in hearing what I'm going through.}  Finally, I have been doing alright playing with my son and spending time with my husband and relaxing, but this too could use some work.

So, this week I need to work harder at:
  • Drinking 8 glasses of water a day
  • Cooking meals that consist of protein, dairy, grain, fruits, and veggies
  • Unwinding at night so I can fall asleep at a healthy hour
  • Spending some quality time with my husband each night
  • Exercising every day and trying to get 10,000 steps in

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Look, New Journal Blog

You might have noticed a slight change to the blog this week... I'm still not 100% in love with the new look so it might change a bit over the next few days, but I'd love you opinion.  You look at my blog too so I want to hear what you like and don't like about it.  Is it readable?  Do the colors give you a headache? lol  I'm loving the rainbow thing just not too sure about the backgrounds.  I'll also be editing my sidebar widgets this week to get them updated to where I am now in my journey.  I'm really losing weight following the Weight Watchers plan and I want to get a fresh start.  Those last two years were depressing and very rough on me.  I'm so ready to put them behind me and move on from here: physically, emotionally, and mentally.

I have also added a new blog to the group.  Check out the link in the navigation bar for my new journal.  From now on I'll be using A Hippo With a Headband to host Motivation Monday, update on my challenges, and post useful weight loss and healthy living tips I find.  My journal will be more of a day to day on how I'm doing, feeling, what I'm going through; my troubles and triumphs.  The journal is a whole different blog so if you'd like to keep track of my day to day weight loss journey you'll want to either check back often or go ahead and subscribe to that blog as well.  There is a Google friend connect over there in case you like to keep up with me in your reader.  I hope you are all doing well.  Be on the lookout here and on my new journal blog for big changes this month!  See y'all around.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Motivation Monday, September 12

Motivation Monday

Welcome to Motivation Monday! I will be chronicling my journey back to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Each week I will discuss how the previous week was and set some goals for the next week. I will also be listing my progress. If you would like to see past progress you can click on the Motivation Monday photo above for other Motivation Monday posts. If you would like to get motivated with me please link up your post using the link form below. Your post can be in any format you want.Whether you are trying to get healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or if you just have a task you need some motivation to complete...please link up so we can help support each other. I would love to hear about your progress and help keep you motivated!

Healthy Steps:
This week I decided I was going to stay within my daily allotted points each day and I did it!  I didn't use even one weekly point! I didn't see the kind of weight loss I had hoped to see for the amount I was hungry... but I proved to myself that it could be done.  I have the discipline to limit my food intake if I really want to.  My goal this week is to keep my weekly point usage to a minimum.
    My Weekly Weight Watchers Progress Report:

    {The orange thing is a multi-vitamin. I have trouble taking mine.  They make me sick. I need to find another brand.  The drop is healthy oils.  I also have problems with this one since I don't cook with oils, but I need healthy fat to lose fat so I need to work on that too.}
      My Numbers
      Green is ImprovementRed is Bad, Mmkay?Blue is Stayed the Same

      Weight -211
      Body Fat % - 49.1
      Water % -38
      Muscle Mass % -33.5

      How did you do this week?

      Sunday, September 4, 2011

      Christmas Dress Countdown Week 1

      My Starting Weight for CDC 2011:  212.4lbs
      Size of  Dress I'm Aiming For:  18/16 Juniors {not Woman's}
      Book I'll Be Using:  Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst
      My Caloric Limit:  Sticking to my Weight Watchers' allotted points
      Exercise I Plan to Do at Least 3x Per Week:  Walking, Yoga, and maybe add in Swimming and/or Zumba
      Number of Glasses of Water Each Day:  8
      My Goal Dress:  This isn't quite a Christmas time dress, but it is one that I own and would LOVE to fit into.  It's a 1950's style dress which is an era I just adore! I can do up 5 out of the 10 buttons right now.
      As you can see I can't button up all the way and it's VERY snug in the hips.
      This dress is also very snug across the rear and back/bust areas.  I would also like to work on my upper arms so they look slimmer and more toned when I am ready to wear this sleeveless dress.

      I'm linking up here for the Christmas Dress Countdown!  Check out all the other contestants and see how they're doing this week.