Sunday, October 30, 2011

Swamped @ Work!

Hey y'all.  So I missed (I think) two weeks in my challenges.  I just wanted to let you know I am still losing and doing good.  I actually hit my 5% this week!  That means I have lost 5% of my body weight.  My next goal is 10% which is 22lbs lost since joining Weight Watchers.  I am less than 10lbs from being under 200lbs y'all! Woot!  Steady and slow I go... BUT I have been swamped at work.  I am so excited!  I've had 6 clients in the last week alone and earned more money this week than any other month since I opened in January.

Right now I am running a 40% off promotion for posting on your blog, facebook, or twitter about how it was working with me and offering your readers 20% off after I install your new design.  So... if any of you are looking for a cheap custom blog design head on over to Crafty Hippo Designs.  My designs are as cheap as $18 right now, $16 for facebook, twitter, and etsy shop designs.

Friday, October 14, 2011

The Best Gift Challenge - Week 4

The challenge has begun!  I'll be posting my weekly updates every Friday to link up at Less of Me, More of Him on Saturday.  Here are my weekly goals:
  1. Continuing my daily prayer and Bible study time,
  2. Continuing to lose weight by staying true to my Weight Watcher's plan,
  3. Preparing and eating healthy foods everyday,
  4. Exercising consistently,
  5. Hydrating properly each day,
  6. Taking time to rest throughout the day and get enough sleep at night,
  7. and Setting aside time to play and laugh with my husband and son each day.
I stayed on plan this week and cooked one meal that consisted of more than eggs or tuna.  I hydrated well but slacked on my exercise {again}.  I am doing okay on sleep because I am feeling sick, but I do need to relax more.  I also want to spend time playing cars with my son.  My husband and I have been cuddling on the couch while I work on blog designs and he plays classic video games.

So, this week I need to work harder at:
  • Cooking more nightly meals
  • Unwinding at night so I can get better soon
  • Finding a specific exercise I can do every day
  • Playing cars and legos with my son during the day

Christmas Dress Countdown Week 6

My Weight This Week:  210.8 lbs {down 1.6 lbs since my Sept 4th beginning weight of 212.4}
Dress Size Today:  18 Woman
Book I'm Using:  Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst
My Caloric Limit Progress:  I did well this week.  I'd like to have had more weekly points at the end of the week, but I did not go over so that is good.  By the way... I was looking at my WWers print outs and each of the two times I went off plan it took me an entire month to get back to where I was before the gain.  NOT COOL JEANNETTE!  As my hubby said when I told him this realization..."So stick to the plan..."
Exercise This Week: I've been working on getting more walking in.  I've been feeling sick and dizzy for a couple weeks and now I have a scratch in my throat so I think a cold is coming.  I just need to focus on taking care of myself and doing all I can do... and not letting myself slack because I feel a little under the weather.  I know my limits and I need to push them, not just say "well I only walked 1,000 steps today because I was sick."  Even sick I know I can do 3-4,000 steps.  So, take care of myself but don't let it become an excuse.
Number of Days This Week I Drank at least 6 Glasses of Water Each Day:  Every day.  I have changed my number to 6 glasses a day because that seems to be all I need.  {Sorry for TMI... but my urine is a healthy color and I don't feel thirsty during the day so I guess 6 is a good number for me right now.  I'll make it higher as I begin to work out... and sweat... more.}

I'm linking up here for the Christmas Dress Countdown!  Check out all the other contestants and see how they're doing this week.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Challenges - Weeks 3 & 5

I'm combining my challenges this week because it was an awful week.  For one, I don't feel like making the same post twice and two, I'd rather not dwell on it.  I went off the Weight Watchers plan this week.  I was hungry all day, every day this week so I ate too much and made bad decisions on food choices.  I gained this week and am not happy with myself.  I really need to start exercising everyday and planning out my meals from now on so I don't have another week like this one.  I was sick to my stomach all week yet still hungry so I reached for breads and sweets.  I'm hoping it's just PMS and that this week I won't be so hungry all the time.  Anyways, here are my stats for this week.  Regular posts will resume next week.

UPDATE:  My week ended just as fun as it began too... *dripping sarcasm*  Last night I all of a sudden spiked a fever, got the sweats and chills, felt nauseous and faint, had a mini panic attack over it all, and my blood pressure shot up to 150/101 while my pulse dropped from my normal 100 beats a minute to 55.  It was not a fun night... but I am feeling better this morning and am not ravenous so I think whatever it was has passed.

I'm linking up at Less of Me, More of Him this Saturday.  Here are my weekly goals:
  1. Continuing my daily prayer and Bible study time, (Not every day)
  2. Continuing to lose weight by staying true to my Weight Watcher's plan, (Nope, went over)
  3. Preparing and eating healthy foods everyday, (Nope, did not cooking besides making eggs)
  4. Exercising consistently, (None this week except one day when I worked on the craft room)
  5. Hydrating properly each day, (I did okay here, but still not stellar)
  6. Taking time to rest throughout the day and get enough sleep at night, (Nope)
  7. and Setting aside time to play and laugh with my husband and son each day. (Did okay here)

My Weight This Week:  211.4 lbs {down 1lb since my Sept 4th beginning weight of 212.4}

I'm linking up here for the Christmas Dress Countdown!  Check out all the other contestants and see how they're doing this week.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Motivation Monday, October 3

Motivation Monday

Welcome to Motivation Monday! I will be chronicling my journey back to a healthy body, mind, and spirit. Each week I will discuss how the previous week was and set some goals for the next week. I will also be listing my progress. If you would like to see past progress you can click on the Motivation Monday photo above for other Motivation Monday posts. If you would like to get motivated with me please link up your post using the link form below. Your post can be in any format you want.Whether you are trying to get healthier physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually or if you just have a task you need some motivation to complete...please link up so we can help support each other. I would love to hear about your progress and help keep you motivated!

I'll be linking up from my journal, Half of Me, from now on so check for that link in the list to see my weekly progress!

How did you do this week?

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Christmas Dress Countdown Week 4

My Weight This Week:  210.2 lbs {down 2.2 lbs since my Sept 4th beginning weight of 212.4}
Dress Size Today:  18 Woman
Book I'm Using:  Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst
My Caloric Limit Progress:  I think I did okay this week.  My numbers add up so I don't know if I measured wrong or if I'm just bloated.  It's a small gain so I'm not worried about it.
Exercise This Week: I'm still unpacking boxes and moving furniture trying to get the garage cleared out for the car.  I have not found a new consistent workout to do when I'm done getting the house in order.  I also need to set aside a specific time to work out, do my Bible Study, and relax so I get all three in every day.
Number of Days This Week I Drank 8 Glasses of Water Each Day:  3 Days. The other days I was 1 cup shy of 8, but I'm eating lots of fruit every day so I'm not surprised I wasn't thirsty.

I'm linking up here for the Christmas Dress Countdown!  Check out all the other contestants and see how they're doing this week.

The Best Gift Challenge - Week 2

The challenge has begun!  I'll be posting my weekly updates every Friday to link up at Less of Me, More of Him on Saturday.  Here are my weekly goals:
  1. Continuing my daily prayer and Bible study time,
  2. Continuing to lose weight by staying true to my Weight Watcher's plan,
  3. Preparing and eating healthy foods everyday,
  4. Exercising consistently,
  5. Hydrating properly each day,
  6. Taking time to rest throughout the day and get enough sleep at night,
  7. and Setting aside time to play and laugh with my husband and son each day.
Today is not a great day... right now it's not even an okay day so this is going to be short and sweet.  I did okay on all my points this week but each needs improvement this week.  I gained although I don't think I went off plan this week.  Either I miscalculated some portions or I'm just bloated.  It's a small gain so I'm not really worried about it.  I haven't prepared any meals this week that were more extensive than eggs or tuna.  I have been moving and lifting heavy things, but still no actual work outs.  I need to set aside a specific time for working out, Bible study, and relaxing... I'm just having trouble waking up early enough to do those things before Little Bit starts his day.

So, this week I need to work harder at:
  • Cooking nightly meals
  • Unwinding at night so I can fall asleep at a healthy hour
  • Making sure my portion sizes are correct
  • Finding a specific exercise I can do every day