Thursday, March 31, 2011

Party Time!

Let's Party!
Welcome to my blog A Hippo With A Headband.  I utilize this blog to journal my way to a healthier me.  I have my up days, and down but each day I am moving closer and closer to the woman I want to be and the one God made me to be.

Before we get started I want to give a HUGE shout out to Janice and Susan from 5 Minutes for Mom for sponsoring the Ultimate Blog Party for these last several years. It is always a blast getting ready and then partying with y'all!  Thanks so much for all your hard work and dedication to this party.

Now on with the party!!! Since you are here to find new blogs to read and get involved in, I figured I'd tell you what you'll find on my weight loss blog.  Each week I host a meme on Mondays called Motivation Monday where I ask my friends {that means you!} to link up a post, any post, that they need motivation to complete or that they want celebration on.  Mine is centered around weight loss, but it could be about anything, a job promotion, housework, or getting a house unpacked after a move for example.

Each week I post my weight, body fat %, water %, and muscle mass.  I also talk about my exercise during the past week and my food diary.  On my sidebar you'll find several things that help me along the way: my progress bar, my inspiration, my weight loss so far, where I started and tools like a calorie counter. Pretty soon I will be starting something new!  {Hey current motivators, this is the part you came to see! lol}

In a couple of days I'll be starting some new posts.  I've been reading Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst and I just have to say it is an amazing book.  I'll be hosting a local Bible study for a group of friends coming this Spring and I just can't wait!  Made to Crave is not about how to lose weight, it brings to light a "why to".  That is exactly what I've been missing from my weight loss and healthy journey, my why.  I know how to lose weight, but I need a reason to suffer through it all.  I've been learning so much and have so many new ideas to bring to my readers.  I can't wait to share what I've learned and prompt you with some questions I've been asking myself.  I hope you'll follow along and join in the discussion!

Oh!  And head over to my blog design site, Crafty Hippo Designs, to enter in a giveaway for a free complete blog makeover!
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